Dr. Brian Reithel

Professor of Marketing, Analytics, and Professional Sales Emeritus

Dr. Brian Reithel is a Professor of Marketing, Analytics, and Professional Sales Emeritus at the University of Mississippi. He has been a faculty member and consultant in the information technology field since 1984 and has been at the University of Mississippi since 1991. In addition to serving as Dean of the School of Business Administration, he served in a variety of other leadership roles at UM including Associate Vice Chancellor for University Relations, Co-Director of the $525 million Commitment to Excellence Campaign, Interim Director of the Trent Lott Leadership Institute, Co-Chair of the Sesquicentennial Celebration, and Chair of the MIS/POM Department. A prolific scholar, he has authored more than 90 research articles and papers for leading journals and scientific conferences. He is also a trusted source for the popular press on questions related to emerging information technologies with appearances in PC World magazine, Inc Magazine, The New York Times, ComputerWorld, National Public Radio, and more. In 2005, he served as the national president of the Association of IT Professionals. At the time AITP was among the world’s oldest associations for the information technology industry. He has also served as the president of the National Foundation for Information Technology Education. As a business and information technology consultant, he provided strategic guidance for the development of one of today’s leading FDA-regulated blood establishment computer systems, bexWISE, through his involvement with IT Synergistics, LLC from 2002 – 2020.  Currently, he serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), providing strategic leadership to NMDP as the organization delivers life-saving cellular therapy to thousands of patients around the world.