Resources for Business Faculty & Staff

Business School IT

The IT department in the School of Business Administration is responsible for:

  • The Business School network and email systems
  • Faculty and Staff computer hardware support and service
  • Faculty and Staff computer software support for Business School licensed software only
  • Classroom technology not including the replacement of projectors or screens

The IT department in the School of Business Administration is NOT responsible for:

  • Student computer problems (including graduate students)
  • Software training
  • Installation or support of software NOT licensed by the School of Business Administration
  • Any equipment not owned by The University of Mississippi

For full Business IT resources, please view the Business School IT website.


  • Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 and 365: A “work-at-home” license that allows you to install it on a non-university computer that you own. (Oxford campus faculty only)
  • LogMeIn: Allows you to connect to your office PC from any other PC or over the internet.
  • SPSS/AMOS: Most of the SPSS system is provided on a UM site license. AMOS is licensed separately by the business school.
  • SAS: The “other” major stats package is licensed by the School of Business for faculty use.
  • Sona Systems provides web-based human subject pool management software that can greatly improve the efficiency of your research participation pool while reducing administrative burden.
  • Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) provides live webcasts by leading scholars in the management and organizational sciences on a variety of topics concerning research methodology and analysis. They also keep a viewable archive of all of their webcasts, which began in 2004. New webcasts are broadcast live during the fall and spring semesters. These broadcasts will be announced in advance and viewed be anyone who wants to attend in one of our conference rooms.
  • The Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Resources (MCSR) provides several resources for faculty use including, Mathematica, SPSS (except AMOS – see below), and STATA.
  • The Office of Research provides an unrestricted site license to Qualtrics, a web-based survey and data collection/analysis package. The license allows unrestricted non-commercial use for all faculty, staff and business students.
  • UM IT IT provides several utilities for download or purchase including Symantec virus protection software.
  • UM Libraries resources