Angelica Owens is a Marketing Specialist at the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) at the University of Mississippi. A native of Memphis, TN, Angelica has had a vivid imagination and keen eye for detail since elementary school.
Her creativity and passion for storytelling has created many opportunities in the field of writing. As her passion grew, Angelica wrote and self-published her first book of short stories entitled Some Parents Just Don’t Understand, Book 1: Four Real Stories About Real Teens and Real Issues at age 16. The book contained stories based on the experiences of her peers that have been trivialized by their parents, guardians and/or caretakers. During the summer of 2012, Angelica was granted the opportunity to travel and tour the heart of Europe for three weeks where she visited France, Italy, Rome and Switzerland and stayed with a host family in Austria for one week. At age 18, Angelica wrote and published Some Parents Just Don’t Understand, Book 2 which contains eight more stories and promotes healthy communication between parents and their teenagers as they grow and learn more about themselves.
Angelica earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communications/Broadcast Journalism from Rust College in April 2019 and began working as an Administrative Assistant at the college while simultaneously working toward her online Master’s degree from American University in Strategic Communication. Angelica was promoted to Marketing Assistant in 2020 before being promoted to Marketing Coordinator where she created and managed all of the institution’s official social media sites, official athletic’s social sites and the campus weekly newsletter.