Alumni and Giving

Our alumni are generous in financial support, recruiting and hiring graduates, mentoring our students, and promoting the school in their communities.

Frank Lenior, Angela Brown, and Dean Ken Cyree

BusinessFirst Magazine

Our magazine showcases many of the great achievements of our students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Support Business Endeavors

A student giving the thumbs-up during the Career Trek in Atlanta.
Group photo during the Microsoft visit in Atlanta.

Recruit Ole Miss Business Students

Promoting and supporting the Ole Miss family is part of what makes Ole Miss a great American public university.

Image of signed footballs and wording stating the CIE Advisory Board Meeting

Serve on a Board

Our boards provide financial support for the school, internships and full-time job opportunities for students and graduates, summer research opportunities for faculty, advice on our academic offerings and much more.

small business development center logo
A group photo of two females and a male.

Small Business Development Center

This statewide network of professionals and offices serves small business owners and prospective owners with various consulting services, training and other valuable resources.

Photo of Angela Brown.

Need Help With Your Gift?

If you have any questions or need to talk more about the giving process, please feel free to reach out to me.

Ms. Angela Brown

Senior director of Development, School of Business sAdministration