Career Exploration

Start your journey to a fulfilling career today. Explore various career options, assess your skills and interests and connect with industry professionals.

Explore Your Options

The college experience is meant as a time for exploration, so you’re not expected to have all the answers right now.  However, you must be moving in a direction to find a career and major that is satisfying to you.

Use the career exploration tools in this section to learn more about yourself and your potential major and career options.

  • Vita Navis logo

    Self Assessment Tool

    SuperStrong Assessment identifies your interests and matches them up with occupations and majors. The platform integrates various data sets to help students create and understanding of themselves and of their options. Access Code: olemiss-career

    Continue to Assessment Test
  • What Can I Do With This Major logo.

    What Can I Do with My Major?

    What Can I Do With This Major is a comprehensive website that provides career pathway information and job search resources.

    Learn More about Majors
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics logo

    Explore Occupational Outlooks

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics offers valuable economic information on occupational outlooks, career information, career exploration resources and job search websites.

    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Website

Ready for One-on-One Support?

Schedule an appointment with one of our dedicated career advisors today.
Wesley Dickens

Wesley Dickens

  • Director of Career Services