Other Forms

School of Business Administration students can find additional forms below.

Advising Office Forms

NOTE: You may only access these links from your go.olemiss.edu account.
  • Permission to Take Principles Courses

    Students who earned a C- or lower in Math 121/167 or Accy 201 prior to Fall 2024 can request permission to take MIS 309, MKTG 351, MKTG 372, MGMT 371, or FIN 331.

    Permission to take Principles Courses Form
  • Appeal for Course Overload

    Students who meet University GPA requirements may request to take more than the maximum hours per term. Please note that these appeals are not guaranteed approval. *Students must be logged in to their "go.olemiss.edu" account to access the form.

    Appeal for Course Overload Form
  • Change Your Major/Minor

    Ready to change or declare your major within the School of Business? This form is also used if you are a business major wanting to add or delete a major or minor.

    Change your Major/Minor Form
  • Transfer Credit

    If current UM students want to take a course at another college or university, they must seek permission to take the transfer course.

    Transfer Credit Form

Details on Transferring Credit Hours

University of Mississippi students may take courses at other institutions. To guarantee the credit will transfer and apply to the student’s degree program, the student must obtain written approval from their academic dean before enrolling in the course at another institution. Prior approval protects students by determining if and how credits earned elsewhere may satisfy degree requirements. Students who do not receive prior approval risk not being awarded transfer credit if the courses do not equate to UM courses, do not satisfy degree requirements, are not accredited with regional and/or professional accrediting bodies, or have other UM rule conflicts.

Please utilize the Transfer Course Equivalency Database as a resource to help find potential universities and courses. The listings in this database ARE NOT a final approval. The School of Business Advising Office in Holman 220 will review your request and then respond to you with a final approval or denial.

  • Upper-division business courses (300 +) will only be approved by AACSB-accredited institutions
    • To seek approval for a 300+business course, students should submit a current course syllabus along with the permission to transfer credit form
  • 30 hours of your business courses must be completed at UM
  • 12 of your final 21 hours must be completed at UM
  • Only half of the degree requirements from junior/community college may be applied toward a BBA degree

Transfer Credit Permission Form