Make an Appointment

Are you a business major? Make an appointment with an advisor today!

Who is My Advisor?

You can verify your advisor on your myOleMiss through this link.

The School of Business Advising Office advises students beginning their sophomore year through graduation and all transfer students in the following majors:

List of majors offered in the School of Business Administration
  • Banking and Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • General Business
  • Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Marketing
  • Professional Sales
  • Real Estate
  • Risk Management and Insurance

If you are not currently a business student and are interested in changing your major to one of the options listed above, please select the advisor that corresponds with the beginning of your last name.

Book An Appointment

Please select an advisor assigned to your intended major through graduation.

First-year freshman business majors are advised by the Center for Student Success and First-Year Experience (CSSFYE).

All other business majors are advised by the School of Business Advising Office. Please schedule an appointment based on your planned major through graduation. Note: General Business is not the same as business undecided.

(B.B.A. only, B.A. and B.S. are advised through the College of Liberal Arts)

(Please note this is NOT the same as undecided. You need to schedule an appointment with an advisor based on your intended major through graduation.)